Language Showcase Event

Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, and Heritage students of Arabic got together in the Language Showcase Event to showcase their work in Arabic. The work they shared included videos, poems, short stories, comics, vlogs, travel reports, recitations, calligraphy, and much more. Some students wore traditional clothing related to the Arabic-speaking world and shared details on the history…Continue Reading Language Showcase Event

Connecting Through Heritage Languages: “Heritage Meets Heritage” Fosters Deeper Appreciation

An opportunity for heritage students to meet and engage. Arabic and Hebrew among the participating programs. Read the details here. Read the Yale Daily News Article here….Continue Reading Connecting Through Heritage Languages: “Heritage Meets Heritage” Fosters Deeper Appreciation

Students’ publication. The death of knowledge.

Students continue to write and publish in Arabic beyond class assignments.  That’s what happens when you fall in love with language. Read part one! Invention: The Death of Knowledge here. Read part two by the same author! Human: The Death of Knowledge here….Continue Reading Students’ publication. The death of knowledge.